Create database named sharks, if file sharks.db exists, SQLite open a connection to it; if not, create a new database
sqlite3 sharks.db
Create SQLite table
CREATE TABLE sharks(id integer NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, sharktype text NOT NULL, length integer NOT NULL);
Inserting values
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INSERT INTO sharks VALUES (1, "Sammy", "Greenland Shark", 427); INSERT INTO sharks VALUES (2, "Alyoshka", "Great White Shark", 600); INSERT INTO sharks VALUES (3, "Himari", "Megaladon", 1800);
Reading tables
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SELECT * FROM sharks; -- View entry based on id we choose SELECT * FROM sharks WHERE id IS 1;
Comment in SQLite
-- This is a comment
Update tables in SQLite
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-- Add columns ALTER TABLE sharks ADD COLUMN age integer; -- Update values UPDATE sharks SET age = 272 WHERE id=1; UPDATE sharks SET age = 70 WHERE id=2; UPDATE sharks SET age = 40 WHERE id=3;
Deleting information in SQLite
DELETE FROM sharks WHERE age <= 200;
Joining information in SQLite
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-- Create table and insert value CREATE TABLE endangered (id integer NOT NULL, status text NOT NULL); INSERT INTO endangered VALUES (1, "near threatened"); -- Join tables SELECT * FROM sharks INNER JOIN endangered on =; -- Output 1|Sammy|Greenland Shark|427|272|1|near threatened